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日本遺産 国境の島 壱岐・対馬・五島 ~古代からの架け橋~

Island Recommendations

  • Iki City
  • Tsushima City
  • Goto City
  • Shin-Kamigoto Town

Taishu Soba


Taishu Soba


Taishu soba (buckwheat) is said to have brought to Tsushima from the Chinese continent via the Korean peninsula in the Late Jomon period. It is characterized by its small grain and strong flavor. Today, in an age when buckwheat varieties have undergone much improvement over the years, the Taishu soba grown in Tsushima, which is close to the original strain brought over from the continent, is very precious. Its small grain and strong, unique flavor are greatly appreciated by its many fans. There are three places on the island that offer a hands-on experience of making soba noodles.

"Taiken Deai Juku TAKUMI l Address: 82-12 Shimobaru, Izuhara-machi, Tsushima l Tel: 0920-56-0118 lClosed: Tuesdays, O-bon holidays, Higan, Year-end/New Year holidays Tsushima Furusato Denshokan l Address: 461-6 Kechi-otsu, Mitsushima-machi, Tsushima l Tel: 0920-54-8311 l Closed: Tuesdays Soba Dojo AGATANOSATO l Address: 565-2 Sasuna-ko, Kamiagata-machi, Tsushima (opposite Chiiki Kasseika Center of the Area in Kamiagata, Tsushima) l Tel: 0920-84-2340 l Closed: Year-end/New Year holidays"

Map of Border Islands